It's been six months since my grandfather died and I realized that my last post on this blog was several weeks before that. In fact, the last post (the music video) was really intended as a message to him, to make him feel better as his impending demise drew closer. Now it's been six months since he died and I'm trying to figure out where time went. So much has happened in such a short time, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
At any rate, I have determined to keep this blog up-to-date more often, as it's rather devoid of posts. That said, I need to get back to class and am out of me-time. I'll leave you with a few recent quotes from Andy and Haddie. I'll post a true update another time.
I recorded these gems during our car-trip last week to central Pennsylvania.
Andy: How long do humans last?
(In his mind, humans are indistinguishable from androids)
Haddie: Mommy, is the Easter Bunny real?
Me: What do YOU think?
Andy: I think he's got to be real, cuz he brings.....umm....Easter things.
Haddie: He brings toys.
Andy: Yeah. So he has to be real. SOMEONE has to do that.
Me: Well, if he's not real, who brings your Easter basket?
Andy: Well, someone does. Maybe a delivery man?
Early in the month, we began marking off the days until our Easter trip so the kids could see when we were leaving. We forgot to mark off the last 2 days, as we were so busy preparing and packing. In mid-Virginia, Andy remembered that we hadn't marked them off. He insisted that we should drive back home to mark the days off "so we know it's time to leave."
Haddie didn't have to pee at one rest stop, but a few miles down the road decided that she had to go after all. She said, "Let's go back to that pee place."
Raisinettes = Snackerettes (Andy)
We live in Alabama, where spring has been with us for a few months now. The temperature in PA was in the 40's, so it was much colder than we're used to. Upon exiting the car into the frigid night, Andy jumped back inside and shut the door. He exclaimed, "It was freezing out there in that death! This is the coldest I've ever felt in my life!! It's the freezing death!"
In the bathroom at a rest stop, Andy noticed the scales that require money for a reading. He wanted to weigh himself.
Terry: No, Andy. You have to pay for that. We don't want to pay money for silly stuff.
Andy: Oh, Daddy! You never have money for silly stuff.
We were driving over the mountain between Pleasant Gap and Centre Hall and pointed out the view to the kids. The mountainside road overlooks a big broad valley below (where they set up the Grange Fair, if you know the area). No buildings, just expansive, open farmland. Andy said, in awe, "Whoa! Look at the city!"
Guess his social studies didn't sink in, huh? LOL
We were walking around Penn State campus when a UPS truck passed by.
Andy: Hey, look, mommy! It's the man-in-brown! Is he here to bring me something?
Me: Why would you think that? You don't live here.
Andy: Oh. But he always comes to bring me my toys when I lose them.
(explanation: whenever Andy leaves a toy, socks, etc at my mom's house, she always send them to us via UPS)
And, to finish up, I can't remember the day she said this, but a few months ago, Haddie was watching tv with us and a pic of Saddam Hussein came on the screen. Haddie pointed at the tv in excitement and said, "Hey! That looks like my Daddy!"