Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stylish Reading

My four year old Haddie, stretched out on the sofa as though lounging at the beach, had a book in her hands. A rather large, klunky book. Opening it to a center page, she peered at me over the top.

"Mommy, aren't I stylish?" she cooed, cocking her head in posing.

I laughed. "Yes you are stylish. Reading is very stylish. But what book are you reading?"

"It's my favorite book. It's called Numbers," she replied.

"Oh. But doesn't the title read 501 Japanese Verbs?" I hinted.

Raising her eyebrows, she examined the cover title. "Oh yeah! It's Japanese. But it also has numbers in it." She pointed to a page number proudly, to prove her point.

I'm so glad she finds the page numbers of her favorite book to be so interesting.

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